The goal of reading is to bathe our hearts and minds in truth. This will help us to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:17-18). Of course, the primary text with which all Christians should engage is the Bible itself, however reading good Christian literature enables us to sit under the ministry of godly men and women from across the globe and from various periods in history.
Church library
The library is located on the left of the main entrances into the church auditorium, and is open before and after all church services. It is also available during the week, so long as you arrange access into the church building. For the most part, the library is unmanned — that is, the reader is responsible to mark in the provided register what books have been taken, and to note when they have been returned.
If you have any questions or suggestions related to the library, or any other specific reading material for that matter, please contact Pastor Marc Dyers.