Zechariah 14 (28/09/14 am)
Zechariah 14. The Lord Comes and Reigns The last of the series on the visions in the night on the book of Zechariah.
Zechariah 14. The Lord Comes and Reigns The last of the series on the visions in the night on the book of Zechariah.
Zechariah 12. How the church will always prevail in the face of the fiercest opposition. The Hitlers, Nero’s and the Stalins of this world have come and gone but the church still continues to flourish and grow.
VISIONS IN THE NIGHT The consequences of wrong choices The principles of chapter 11, a wayward Israel, switched loyalties to a worthless shepherd and deserted the good shepherd
Zechariah 7 – Visions in the night Pt 8. True fasting goes beyond abstaining food fasting is the abstinence from bodily functions, things That can be habit forming, any obsession should be fasted from, but also seek God’s guidance, express repentance, concern for God’s work and strengthening of our prayers.
Angus continues in his series in Zechariah. Visions in the night Part 7. Four chariots, a crown for Joshua. The Lord is king. Only one can be Prophet, Priest, King and that is Jesus – Jesus is the only one in the bible to be given all three titles. *Sermon Mp3 outstanding*
Angus continues in his series in Zechariah. Visions in the night Part 6. The flying scroll, the woman in a basket.
Visions in the night Part 5, The Gold Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees
Visions in the night part 4. Clean garments for the High Priest The vision points forward to Christ and how he took upon himself the filth of our sins and clothed us in his perfect righteousness.
Zechariah 8. This passage in Zechariah is about the new Jerusalem and the real description is not about a physical city, but about the believers and they will make up the city which is without limits, immeasurable, the dwelling of all believers. Conversely Babylon represents all that is ungodly everything out side of Christ.
The Man in the Myrtle trees It is a apocalyptic writing and we can make the mistake and focus on the inconsequential, but we are going to focus the two most important points: He afflicts the comfortable, and comforts the afflicted Who is the man on the horse?