Sermons tagged with ‘parables’

110 of 12 items

John Koning – Part 1 (27/04/14 pm)


John Koning is the guest speaker. The continuation of sermons on the parables, this one is on the lost (prodigal) son. This describes the young son as an explosive eruption, a violent hatred for his father and the father’s unconditional love for his son.

Luke 13:1-9 “The Axe Effect” (13/04/14 pm)


Luke 13:1-9. The parable of the barren fig tree. The parable is a continuation of the preceding verses, the fig tree is not producing anything and was to be cut down, despite all the resources available to it in the vineyard. God extends his mercy to us, our response is to repent and to then […]

Luke 11:1-11 (06/04/14 pm)


Luke 11:1-11 – A continuation of the series on the parables, this one is about the persistent neighbour. Jesus teaches us about how to pray powerfully and effectively.

Luke 16:1-15 (30/03/14 pm)


The parable of the shrewd manager. The message directed at the disciples about how to use your wealth and influence to make friends. Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy, that is where the treasures of real and eternal value are stored up for us.

“Whine in the Vineyard” Matthew 20:1-16 (23/03/14 pm)


“Whine in the Vineyard”. The parable of the workers in the vineyard. The parable that gives us such a wonderful insight into God’s amazing generosity and his grace, giving us everything we do not deserve, his grace and everything took everything we deserve our sin and condemnation, so we are always winners in Christ.