Matthew 4:1-11 (13/07/14 pm)
Matthew 4:1-11. Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus didn’t just die for us, he also lived for us… On our behalf, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the same way that he took our sins to the cross.
Matthew 4:1-11. Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus didn’t just die for us, he also lived for us… On our behalf, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the same way that he took our sins to the cross.
The parable of the good Samaritan, and how it showed up the teacher of the law and what his real motives and intentions were.
“Whine in the Vineyard”. The parable of the workers in the vineyard. The parable that gives us such a wonderful insight into God’s amazing generosity and his grace, giving us everything we do not deserve, his grace and everything took everything we deserve our sin and condemnation, so we are always winners in Christ.
Holy day or Holiday? Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus heals on the Sabbath. Marc continues his series on the gospel of Mark.
Scandalous Grace. Mark continues in his series on Mark.