1 Sept 2018 Ron Eardley (pm)
John 5:1-25 ‘Who heals on the Sabbath?’
John 5:1-25 ‘Who heals on the Sabbath?’
Acts 8 : 26-40
Romans 15:13 “Why is hope so elusive?”
“The silence of the Lamp speaks …” Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14
John 7 : 37-38 “Are you thirsty?”
“Christ our Life – In Grace Alone” John 11:25-26
Isaiah 8 : 9-22 “When the nation is on the brink of collapse…how should we respond?”
2 Thess 2 : 13-17 “Good hope is given to believers by God”
“Prepare for the King” Matthew 3 : 1-12
Looking at Matthew ch 2 and the first 12 verses, we see three attitiudes of worship The attitude of the Magi-they came to worship The attitude of Herod-he wanted to kill the king The attitude of the Sanhedrin – even though they knew of the foretelling of the king, they were blissfully unaware of the […]