James 4:13-17 (25/05/2014 am)
The overwhelming tendency to make our plans without due recognition of how God is in control of every second of our lives, in every thought, plan and decision we make. So only “Lord-willing” will we accomplish things.
The overwhelming tendency to make our plans without due recognition of how God is in control of every second of our lives, in every thought, plan and decision we make. So only “Lord-willing” will we accomplish things.
Luke 18:9-14. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector and how we can be so close and so far away from God.
The parable of the good Samaritan, and how it showed up the teacher of the law and what his real motives and intentions were.
Ezekiel 37:1-14. About how God transforms us from dead dry bones into a living loving kingdom belonging to him.
Joshua 5:13-6:27. Looking at the passage on the fall of Jericho when God spoke to Joshua and came to conquer the city all on his own, he did not need assistance from Joshua just his obedience as a servant and let God secure the victory.
To coincide with Mothers Day, we are reminded of our responsibility to teach our children – the next generation – about the wonders of God. The scripture reference is Psalm 78:1-8
John Koning is the guest speaker. Part 2 of his sermon on the Lost sons from Mark 15
Ron’s message in Ezekiel, preached from Ephesians (the armour of God)
John Koning is the guest speaker. The continuation of sermons on the parables, this one is on the lost (prodigal) son. This describes the young son as an explosive eruption, a violent hatred for his father and the father’s unconditional love for his son.
Jesus, the ultimate ‘hell- razer’ part 2. Mark 5:1-20 The second part of the message on the demoniac and the peoples reaction to what Jesus had done for him.