Sermons from 2014

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Zechariah 6 (03/07/14 am)


Angus continues in his series in Zechariah. Visions in the night Part 7. Four chariots, a crown for Joshua. The Lord is king. Only one can be Prophet, Priest, King and that is Jesus – Jesus is the only one in the bible to be given all three titles. *Sermon Mp3 outstanding*

Mark 6:7-14 “For God’s sake” (20/07/14 am)


“They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. King Herod heard about this, for Jesus’ name had become well known” Mark 6:12-14 Do everything to glory of God (for God’s sake). All that God has blessed us with is to make his name […]

Matthew 4:1-11 (13/07/14 pm)


Matthew 4:1-11. Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus didn’t just die for us, he also lived for us… On our behalf, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the same way that he took our sins to the cross.

Genesis 50:15-21 (06/07/14 pm)


Grudge, guilt and grace and the sovereignty of God. Joseph’s brothers felt that at their Fathers death Joseph would exact revenge for all that was done to him by his brothers, but he saw the bigger picture as is told in verse 20. A parallel seen in Christ’s death where Christ was cruelly crucified, but […]

Zechariah 3 (06/07/14 am)


Visions in the night part 4. Clean garments for the High Priest The vision points forward to Christ and how he took upon himself the filth of our sins and clothed us in his perfect righteousness.