Sermons from 2014

3140 of 96 items

Mark 6:53-56 “Thats sick!” (07/09/14 pm)


Mark 6:53-56. That’s sick! The deceitfulness of sin, it blinds us but more than that it blinds us to our blindness, so in essence we are deluded enough to think that we are ok in God’s sight when in reality we have such a hardened heart that it is totally inresponsive to God’s prompting. And […]

Zechariah 11 (07/09/14 am)


VISIONS IN THE NIGHT The consequences of wrong choices The principles of chapter 11, a wayward Israel, switched loyalties to a worthless shepherd and deserted the good shepherd

Matthew 18:12-35 (24/08/14 pm)


Matthew 18:12-35… Church Discipline The seriously grave responsibilty the leadership  of any church have in dealing with members of their church when it comes to sin within the church, the cancer- like qualities of it and the loving approach of the Pastors and Elders in confronting the person and trying to save them and protect […]

Church Membership (24/08/14 am)


Church Membership Our Shepherd – Jesus Christ The flock – part of and accountable to a local body of believers Bringing glory to the body of Believers where we belong The Temple – our duty and responsibility to evangelise the world wherever God has placed us.

Mark 6:45-56 (10/08/14 pm)


Mark 6:45-56 As we look at the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus instructed them to feed them and it was the same with the disciples when they were in the boat rowing into the face of the storm. Jesus had to bring the disciples to the end of themselves, before he could work […]

Zechariah 7 (10/08/14 am)


Zechariah 7 – Visions in the night Pt 8. True fasting goes beyond abstaining food fasting is the abstinence from bodily functions, things That can be habit forming, any obsession should be fasted from, but also seek God’s guidance, express repentance, concern for God’s work and strengthening of our prayers.