Acts 14 “To the ends of the earth Pt.3” (29/06/14 pm)
Continuing in the book of Acts – chapter 14. Pauls journey: Iconium to Lystra and Derbe and back to Antioch in Syria
Continuing in the book of Acts – chapter 14. Pauls journey: Iconium to Lystra and Derbe and back to Antioch in Syria
Marc continue in his series on the gospel of Marc. Jesus prepares the disciples for ministry, to send them out and spread the gospel.
Mark 6:1-6. About how Jesus was recognised in Nazareth and in a sense, familiarity bred contempt. Jesus is amazed at their lack of faith.
Zechariah 8. This passage in Zechariah is about the new Jerusalem and the real description is not about a physical city, but about the believers and they will make up the city which is without limits, immeasurable, the dwelling of all believers. Conversely Babylon represents all that is ungodly everything out side of Christ.
The story of Jairus the Synagogue ruler and his dying daughter and the encounter with the Lady with the issue of bleeding.
The Man in the Myrtle trees It is a apocalyptic writing and we can make the mistake and focus on the inconsequential, but we are going to focus the two most important points: He afflicts the comfortable, and comforts the afflicted Who is the man on the horse?
Marc continues in his series on the gospel of Mark. The story of the Lady with the issue of blood and how Christ is always concerned and interested in the individual, even when there were other pressing needs and when it was against the law to touch someone who was unclean such as this lady was, […]
Angus begins a new series in Zechariah. It is an age old propensity of the human race, to not learn from our forefathers mistakes, or our own for that matter. Zechariah reminds us not to get discouraged or distracted as the jews did when they returned to Jerusalem after being in exile.
Acts 13. Barnabus and Saul are set aside by God to go out and preach the gospel
Psalms ch 8:1. The personal and public nature of this verse and the confession to the wonderful God we serve.