Sermons from September 2014

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Mark 7:14-23 (28/09/14 pm)


The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. People are the common factor in all of these problems, even if we lives in isolation, the evil would be with us as we have these sinful leanings regardless of where we are.

Mark 7 (21/09/14 pm)


Mark 7. “I’ve got good news – I’ve got Bad news” Stop trying to earn God’s acceptance by Keeping man-made traditions, God looks at the Heart.  

Zechariah 12 (21/09/14 am)


Zechariah 12. How the church will always prevail in the face of the fiercest opposition. The Hitlers, Nero’s and the Stalins of this world have come and gone but the church still continues to flourish and grow.

Acts 18 (14/09/14 pm)


Acts 18. Paul ‘s encounters in Corinth which was a debauched city where sin was rampant but in spite of that, the gospel took root with the gospel advancing through the witness and testimony of Priscilla and Aquila an their willingness to be hospitable to any believer who came to town and also to be […]

Mark 7:1-13 “Killer Pain Killer” (14/09/14 am)


Mark 7:1-13 “Killer Pain Killer”. Pain can be a good thing, it warns us of immiment danger. But when we get caught up in the Pharisaical traditions of keeping man-made laws then we get anaethetised to the heart peircing word of God and become desensitised to the sin in our hearts, so be sensitive to God’s […]

Mark 6:53-56 “Thats sick!” (07/09/14 pm)


Mark 6:53-56. That’s sick! The deceitfulness of sin, it blinds us but more than that it blinds us to our blindness, so in essence we are deluded enough to think that we are ok in God’s sight when in reality we have such a hardened heart that it is totally inresponsive to God’s prompting. And […]

Zechariah 11 (07/09/14 am)


VISIONS IN THE NIGHT The consequences of wrong choices The principles of chapter 11, a wayward Israel, switched loyalties to a worthless shepherd and deserted the good shepherd