Hi folks, I have been tasked with relaying some important info to you with regards to this coming Sunday… Because we won’t able to meet together in person, we have arranged the next best thing so we can still experience a sense of togetherness, even in lock-down! Therefore, at our usual Sunday 9am and 6.30pm service times, we will be moving online… Both Michael and Marc will broadcasting LIVE via YouTube.
Via your smart TV, phone, tablet or PC, you will be able to access the livestream as follows:
On YouTube, go to the ‘Beacon Baptist Church, East London’ channel and select the latest livestream and wait for the service to commence. The livestream will then commence as soon as Michael/Marc are ready on their side.
For those who miss the live event, you will be able to “catch-up” on past streams via the same YouTube channel.
Additionally, via our Sermons feature our church website will also have links to both the recorded YouTube video stream and the audio from the service, after the live event. Go to www.beaconbaptist.co.za and on the main page, look out for the recent sermons under a section ‘Latest Sermons’.
If you are familiar with our church site’s sermon page feature, you will now also see a YouTube video panel displayed on the sermon page – simply hit play on this! As some of you may not have good internet, or lots of data to stream video at home, we will of course still have an audio recording of the sermon attached to each of the sermon pages on the Church website. As usual, these should be uploaded to the website by the next day.
In your homes, as families I encourage you to get together, as we ALL tune in at the same time, to see what our Pastor’s have to share with us from God’s word!